Straight from the ocean to your plate

Here at Clamms, we’ve spent decades consistently sourcing and supplying the highest quality seafood for Melbourne’s award-winning restaurants, chefs and events.
That’s why after 30 years as the state’s biggest and freshest seafood supplier we’re thrilled to now offer Australia’s leading independent retailers the same top-quality, market fresh catch.
Our customers love our premium, traceable seafood sourced by fisherman committed to the sustainability of their catch. That’s why your customers will love our new retail packs, which make it easy to create simple, delicious meals with the freshest of fish, handled with expert care – from ocean to plate.

Rich in omega 3 and healthy oils, our market fresh salmon is prized for its firm and full-flavoured fillets.
Ingredients 100% farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar).

Our hand-filleted barramundi serves up a succulent and meaty all-rounder. Its mild flavour makes this Australian species the
star of any dish.
Ingredients 100% farmed Barramundi (Lates calcarifer).

Our market fresh rockling is sustainably sourced from the southern coast of Australia. This versatile and mild-flavoured fish forms succulent, large flakes when cooked.
Ingredients Wild-caught Rockling (Genypterus blacodes).

A premium favourite, our market fresh flathead is caught along the southeastern coast of Australia. It boasts a light texture, gentle
flavour and tender fillets.
Ingredients 100% wild-caught Flathead.

Our sustainable line-caught Victorian Snapper is highly sought after. With tender white flesh and a sweet mild flavour, making it one of our most popular table fish.
Ingredients 100% wild-caught Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus).

Our succulent, wild caught Australian Prawns come paired with flavour-packed marinades so you can create a delicious meal in minutes.
Ingredients 100% Wild-caught Prawn meat.

Petuna Ocean Trout, the Wagyu of the sea.™ With its vibrant intense colour, purity of flavour, and luscious marbling; it has a creamy succulent texture which is velvety on the palate.
Ingredients 100% farmed Ocean Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss).

Our hand-filleted Blue Grenadier is sourced from the South Eastern Ocean waters of Victoria. With a low oil content, it boasts a
delicate sweet flavour, with moist flaky flesh.
Ingredients 100% wild-caught Blue Grenadier (Macruronus Novaezelandiae).

Our boneless School Shark (Flake) is caught in Southern Australian waters and is perfectly suited to a range of preparations, from batteredand-fried to curries, steaming and grilling.
Ingredients 100% Wild-caught School Shark. (Galeorbinus galeus).

Line-caught in the deep-sea trenches of Australia, our hand-filleted Blue Eye is prized for its mild yet sweet and firm flesh. Perfect
grilled, steamed or in curries and stews.
Ingredients 100% wild-caught Blue Eye (Hyperoglyphe Antarctica).

Our Southern Calamari is sourced from the waters of Victoria and South Australia. This tender, moist and sweet Cephalopod is
a premium favourite in the kitchen.
Ingredients 100% wild-caught Calamari (Sepioteuthis australis).

Our incredibly fresh salmon has been expertly filleted and threaded onto skewers so they’re ready for the BBQ! Try them plain or
marinated, you won’t be disappointed.
Ingredients 100% farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar).

Caught in the ice cold waters of Bass Strait, between Tasmania and Victoria. Our fresh, premium roe-on Scallops are rich and sweet in flavour with a delicate texture. A delight when seared.
Ingredients 100% wild-caught Commercial Scallop (Commercial Scallop).

Sustainably pond-grown in its native river water from the Murray-Darling Basin System. Famed for its rich, juicy and white flesh,
with a delicate flavour yet firm texture.
Ingredients 100% farmed Murray Cod (Maccullochella peelii).

Ōra King is a unique breed of King Salmon raised in the clear waters of the Marlborough Sounds in New Zealand. With strikingly
marbled meat & a sumptuous melt-in-yourmouth texture, this is one truly incredible fish.
Ingredients 100% farmed Ora King Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha Ōra King).

Remotely farmed off the Eyre Peninsula, the Kingfish is as clean and pure as the pristine waters in which it’s raised. When prepared it is luscious, translucent and delicate on the palate.
Ingredients Ocean farm raised Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriloa lalandi).

Our market catch is selected daily to bring you in-season seafood at its finest, direct from the fishermen and fish markets.
Ingredients Wild-caught Fish.